Action Comedy Crime Romance
Henry Durand is a young federal agent who is given a difficult assignment: spy on his mother and her boyfriend who is suspected of leading a gang of art thieves.
Directed by
George Gallo
Antonio Banderas
Thomas Martins
Colin Hanks
Henry Durand
Keith David
FBI Chief Conrad
Meg Ryan
Marthy Durand
Trevor Morgan
Selma Blair
Emily Lock
Brooke Newton
Gary Grubbs
Police Chief Malone
Enrico Colantoni
Enrico the Chef
Eli Danker
Jean Yves Tatao
Julie Lott
Marco St. John
Inspector Laborde
Paul Sampson
Paul Canales
John Valdetero
Agent Fedler
Aki Avni
Agent Randle
Tarri Markel
Agent Cisneros
Tom Adams
Niko Evangelatos
Jeff Fried
Agent Simpson
Nicholas Rich
Rex Dukes
Amy Ann Singh

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