Adventure Comedy Action Mystery
When a fledgling television show "Creature Expedition" finds itself on the brink of cancellation and desperate for a rating boost, the show's host under the guidance of her producer gathers a lovable crew of dimwits and they set out to Bigfoot country to find the creature and capture him on film. With the help of an claimed Bigfoot hunter "Truman Shaw" and a little luck they just might find Bigfoot and save their show from cancellation.
Directed by
Lance Polland
Written by
Lance Polland
Maddison Bullock
Vernon Wells
Truman Shaw
Courtney Gains
Wesley Harlin
Tracy Lear
Tasha Tacosa
Susie Evens Shaw
Hans Hernke
Matt Scott
Scott duPont
News Reporter
Laura Stetman
Ashley Page
Eva Ceja
George Thomas Mansel
Sheriff Paschall
Kelci C. Magel
Jennifer Sanchez
Skylar Lear
Thom Michael Mulligan
Red Stone
Robert Throckmorton
Jack 'Kickstand' Fontana
Todd McCracken
Bigfoot / Carmine O' Reilly
Mir Waiss Najibi
The Sheik
Michael Wayne Brown
Ryan Wilburn

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