Drama History
At the beginning of the 20th century, Leopoldstadt was the old, crowded Jewish quarter of Vienna, Austria. But Hermann Merz, a factory owner and baptised Jew now married to Catholic Gretl, has moved up in the world. We follow his family’s story across half a century, passing through the convulsions of war, revolution, impoverishment, annexation by Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. A company of 40 actors represent each generation of the family in this epic, but intimate play.
Directed by
Patrick Marber
Written by
Tom Stoppard
Arty Froushan
Aidan McArdle
Eleanor Wyld
Aaron Neil
Sebastian Armesto
Wesley Holloway
Young Leo
Edie Newman
Faye Castelow
Joshua Satine
Rhys Bailey
Young Nathan
Aaron Shuf
Young Jacob
Oliver Kohn
Young Leo
Mace Phoenix
Young Leo
Jenna Augen
Mark Edel-Hunt
Ilan Galkoff

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