Drama Comedy
In the 70s, in the Goutte d'or district, three friends of Algerian origin: Poulou, a failed boxer, Amar, the clumsiest of thieves, and Jibé, a public writer for illiterate compatriots whose lives he knows in detail. As he betrays none of their secrets, he enjoys great prestige in the bistros where he works. The three of them lead a casual life, raising money by illicit means. It's only when Poulou and Amar leave that Jibé understands his isolation and marginalization. The images as well as the sounds help to reinforce the feeling that Paris is a city where he is both at home and a terrible stranger.
Directed by
Derri Berkani
Written by
Derri Berkani
Bernadette Lafont
La libraire
Catherine Arditi
L'employée de la librairie
Ahmed Benaissa
Sophie de La Rochefoucauld
La petite Sophie
Rabah Loucif
Malek Kateb
Charlotte Maury-Sentier
La prostituée
Thamila Mezbah

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