Action Drama
Rick Bowman, a drag racing street punk, comes to the attention of crafty businessman Grant Willard. Willard bails him out of jail and offers him sponsorship as a stock car driver. Bowman accepts and enters the demolition derby-adjacent world of "figure eight" racing. As Bowman moves up in the ranks, his regard for his friends slips-- giving way to outright obsession with becoming the best.
Directed by
Jack Hill
Ellen Burstyn
Ellen McCleod
Sid Haig
Hawk Sidney
Brian Donlevy
Grant Willard
Steve Pendleton
Beverly Washburn
Richard Davalos
Rick Bowman
Titus Moede
George Washburn
Ed McCleod
Robert Krist
Ray Thiel
Don White
Jack Seymour
Bob James
George Barris
George Barris
Sandy Reed
Sandy Reed
Ed Hand
Ed Hand
Hal Lane
Edwin Kissel

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