Adventure Comedy Family Fantasy Romance Mystery
Sona Da, Abir and Jhinuk come across a riddle that turns their vacation into a dangerous quest for the hidden treasure of King Shashanka, one of the best-kept secrets of Bengal.
Directed by
Dhrubo Banerjee
Anuradha Ray
Rajatabha Dutta
Anirban Bhattacharya
Ishaa Saha
Saurav Das
Bhoojango Hazra
Arjun Chakrabarty
Barun Chanda
Abir Chatterjee
Prof. Subarna Sen
Kinjal Nanda
Sudeep Dhara
Pritha Ghosh
Anindita Raychaudhury
Anirban Sikdar
Soham Kar
Sourajit Roy

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