Animation Drama Romance Fantasy
Urashima Tunnel – Once you enter that tunnel, you can get whatever you want, but at a price. Kaoru Tohno, who seems to have an elusive personality and traumatic past, and Anzu Hanashiro, who is struggling to reconcile her ideal image and true-to-heart attitude, team up to investigate the Urashima Tunnel and get what they want. This is an unforgettable summer story of nostalgia and sprinting in a remote countryside.
Directed by
Tomohisa Taguchi
Rikiya Koyama
Kaoru's Father (voice)
Marie Iitoyo
Anzu Hanashiro (voice)
Ouji Suzuka
Kaoru Tōno (voice)
Arisa Komiya
Koharu Kawasaki (voice)
Seiran Kobayashi
Karen Tōno (voice)
Haruka Terui
Ms. Hamamoto (voice)
Tasuku Hatanaka
Shōhei Kaga (voice)

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