Animation Action Sci-Fi
Some time ago, this world was created by a girl, and was then destroyed by her again and again in order to vent her frustration towards reality. It was Gridman the Hyper Agent, the humane monster she created, Yuta Hibiki and his friends who saved her heart. Yuta Hibiki had just become a second-year high school student and decided to reveal his feelings to his classmate, Rikka. However, kaiju suddenly appeared and began to attack the city. Gridman came back from the alternate dimension and told Yuta that worlds of different dimensions that were once in harmony were rapidly losing their balance. When the red dragon Dyna Rex, the Gridman's supporters named “Neon Genesis Junior High Students”, and the residents of an alternative world, Yomogi Asanaka and his friends appeared one by one, Yuta was once again caught up in a great crisis…
Directed by
Akira Amemiya
Mayumi Shintani
Rikka's Mother (voice)
Katsuyuki Konishi
Max (voice)
Akari Kito
Hass (voice)
Shion Wakayama
Yume Minami (voice)
Junya Enoki
Yomogi Asanaka (voice)
Daiki Hamano
Rex (voice)
Reina Ueda
Akane Shinjou (voice)
Aoi Yuki
Borr (voice)
Kenichi Suzumura
Knight (voice)
Hikaru Midorikawa
Gridman (voice)
Chika Anzai
Chise Asukagawa (voice)
Yume Miyamoto
Rikka Takarada (voice)
Soma Saito
Sho Utsumi (voice)
Masaya Matsukaze
Vit (voice)
Suzuko Mimori
Namiko (voice)
Yuuichirou Umehara
Koyomi Yamanaka (voice)
Ryosuke Takahashi
Caliber (voice)
Karin Takahashi
The 2nd (voice)
Yuya Hirose
Yuta Hibiki (voice)
Coco Tsukimori
Akane Shinjou (real world)

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