Drama History
After an elaborate application process, Empress Elisabeth of Austria hires Countess Irma as her new lady-in-waiting and takes her to her summer residence on Corfu. As the two women become closer there, this soon leads to tensions back in Vienna.
Directed by
Frauke Finsterwalder
Written by
Christian Kracht, Frauke Finsterwalder
Sandra Hüller
Irma Sztáray
Annette Badland
Queen Victoria
Maresi Riegner
Georg Friedrich
Archduke Ludwig Viktor of Austria
Johanna Wokalek
Countess Marie Festetics
Stefan Kurt
Count of Berzeviczy
Markus Schleinzer
Kaiser Franz Joseph
Sophie Hutter
Tom Rhys Harries
Angela Winkler
Princess Ludovika of Bavaria
Anthony Calf
Earl Spencer
Ravi Aujla
Doctor Bose
Susanne Wolff
Empress Elisabeth of Austria
Anne Müller
Sibylle Canonica
Maria Sztáray
Paul Portelli
Arab Man
William Erazo Fernández
Ramona Saluz
Passenger (uncredited)

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