Sci-Fi Animation Action
Japan, ten years after World War II. Boy detective Shotaro solves mysteries and fights crime with the help of Tetsujin 28, the 50-foot tall giant robot left for him by his late genius father. But one day he's shocked to learn that his father also adopted and raised another boy named Shotaro, now a repatriated soldier. Just as surprising to our young hero is the fact that his “big brother” can also control Tetsujin, even better than he can. But with the emergence of this elder brother comes danger, as a mysterious assassin, Morning Moon, closes in on the boy for being unworthy of controlling the robot. Meanwhile, the capital faces destruction when multiple bombs are discovered, planted by the two Shotaros' father himself!
Directed by
Yasuhiro Imagawa
Tomokazu Seki
Detective Seki
Professor Yamagishi
Norio Wakamoto
Ryuusaku Murasame
Yûji Mikimoto
Kenji Murasame
Takkô Ishimori
Chief Cabinet Secretary
Katsumi Suzuki
Minoru Inaba
Chief Ootsuka
Motoko Kumai
Shotaro Kaneda
Tadashi Nakamura
Dr. Bigfire
Shigeru Ushiyama
Professor Shikishima
Ryuji Nakagi
Inspector Teramachi
Hiroko Suzuki
Tsukie Kayano
Rie Ishizuka
Ahiru Takamizawa
Fumihiro Awano

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