Romance Comedy
Two childhood paranormal incidents have convinced schoolteacher Faith Corvatch that her true love is a guy named "Damon Bradley," but she has yet to meet him. Preparing to marry podiatrist Dwayne in 10 days, Faith receives a phone call from Dwayne's old classmate named Damon Bradley who is on his way to Venice. Faith tries to catch him at the airport but just misses him so she impulsively decides to fly to Venice hoping to finally encounter the man of her dreams; accompanying her on the trip is her sister-in-law and childhood best friend, Kate, who has just left her husband, Faith's brother Larry.
Directed by
Norman Jewison
Robert Downey Jr.
Peter Wright / Damon Bradley
Marisa Tomei
Faith Corvatch
Fisher Stevens
Larry Corvatch
Billy Zane
Harry / The False Damon Bradley
Bonnie Hunt
Kate Corvatch
Joaquim de Almeida
Adam LeFevre
Damon Bradley
Siobhan Fallon Hogan
Valentina Cervi
Gianfranco Barra
Danieli Concierge
Fiorenzo Fiorentini
Old Man
Phyllis Newman
Faith's Mother
Fausto Lombardi
Alitalia Gate Attendant
Dina Morrone
Shoe Show Announcer
Renato Scarpa
Alitalia Gate Attendant
John Benjamin Hickey
Rick Applegate
TWA Gate Attendant
Barbara Cupisti
Antonia Rey
Fortune Teller
Tammy Minoff
Young Faith
Shari Summers
Woman with Suede Boots
Cristina Moglia
Information Desk Attendant
Mattia Sbragia
Alitalia Pilot
Denise Du Maurier
Dwayne's Mother
Harry Barandes
Young Larry
Marc Field
TWA Gate Attendant
Bob Tracey
Foot Patient
James Sampson
Saxophone Player
Gregory Gibson Kenney
State Police Officer
Anthony Dileo Jr.
Taxi Driver

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