Action Comedy Fantasy
Set 100 years after the events of A Chinese Ghost Story, Buddhist Bai Yun and his disciple Fong journey through a small town to transport a golden idol of Buddha. However, local thieves thwart their journey, sending them to take shelter at the ghostly Orchid Temple.
Directed by
Tony Ching Siu-Tung
Written by
Tsui Hark, Roy Szeto Wai-Cheuk
Nina Li Chi
Joey Wong
Tony Leung Chiu-wai
Monk Fong
Jacky Cheung Hok-Yau
Swordsman Yin
Tommy Wong
Man with Yin in teahouse
Shun Lau
Fong's Master
Waise Lee Chi-Hung
Swordsman Hu
James Wong
Tiffany Lau Yuk-Ting
Orchid / Jade
Lau Siu-Ming
Tree Demon
Sam Ho Choi-Chow
Cho King-Man

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