Animation Comedy Mystery Fantasy Horror
1955. Kitaro's father, Medama Oyaji, comes to Yagura Village in search of his missing wife. The village was ruled by the Ryuga clan, which controls Japan's political and business circles behind the scenes. Mizuki, who works at a blood bank, visits the village with a secret mission to mourn the death of the head of his family, and meets Kitaro's father. While an ugly fight unfolds over the succession of the head of the family, a member of the family is brutally murdered at the village shrine. It was the beginning of a terrifying chain of events.
Directed by
Gou Koga
Miyuki Sawashiro
Kitarou (voice)
Atsumi Tanezaki
Sayo Ryuga (voice)
Kazuhiro Yamaji
Katsunori Ryuga (voice)
Hidenobu Kiuchi
Mizuki (voice)
Akira Ishida
Kenji Nagata (voice)
Masako Nozawa
Medama-Oyaji (voice)
Rie Kugimiya
Yasuko Nagata (voice)
Masaya Matsukaze
Yamada (voice)
Kazuya Nakai
Kozo Ryuga (voice)
Yoko Soumi
Otome Ryuga (voice)
Toshio Furukawa
A Mysterious Boy (voice)
Yumiko Kobayashi
Tokiya Nagata (voice)
Nobuo Tobita
Tokimaru Ryuga (voice)
Toshihiko Seki
Kitarou's Father (voice)
Yuko Minaguchi
Hinoe Ryuga (voice)
Umeka Shouji
Neko-Musume (voice)
Tetsu Shiratori
Tokisada Ryuga (voice)

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