Comedy Music Romance
It's 1961, two years after the original Grease gang graduated, and there's a new crop of seniors and new members of the coolest cliques on campus, the Pink Ladies and T-Birds. Michael Carrington is the new kid in school - but he's been branded a brainiac. Can he fix up an old motorcycle, don a leather jacket, avoid a rumble with the leader of the T-Birds, and win the heart of Pink Lady Stephanie?
Directed by
Patricia Birch
Written by
Ken Finkleman
Michelle Pfeiffer
Stephanie Zinone
Christopher McDonald
Goose McKenzie
Connie Stevens
Miss Yvette Mason
Lorna Luft
Paulette Rebchuck
Pamela Adlon
Dolores Rebchuck
Tab Hunter
Mr. Stuart
Eddie Deezen
Eugene Felsnick
Adrian Zmed
Johnny Nogerelli
Didi Conn
Janet Jones
Girl Goosed in Class (uncredited)
Dennis Stewart
Leo Balmudo (Craterface)
Lucinda Dickey
Girl Greaser
Matt Lattanzi
Tom Villard
Boy Greaser
Maxwell Caulfield
Michael Carrington
Sid Caesar
Coach Vince Calhoun
Tom Willett
Bowling Alley Manager (uncredited)
Stan Rodarte
Student (uncredited)
Peter Frechette
Louis DiMucci
Maureen Teefy
Sharon Cooper
Dody Goodman
Secretary Blanche Hodel
Eve Arden
Principal McGee
Jean Sagal
Sorority Girl
Ken Finkleman
Leif Green
Davey Jaworski
Mary Ann Hay
Dancer / Girl in Lab (uncredited)
Alison Price
Rhonda Ritter
Dick Patterson
Mr. Spears
Vernon Scott
Henry Dickey
Pat Green
Cycle Lord
Helena Andreyko
Girl Greaser
Ivy Austin
Girl Greaser
Sandra Gray
Girl Greaser
Donna King
Girl Greaser
Evelyn Tosi
Girl Greaser
Dallace Winkler
Girl Greaser
Dennis Daniels
Boy Greaser
John Robert Garrett
Boy Greaser
Roy Luthringer
Boy Greaser
Charles McGowan
Boy Greaser
Aurelio Padrón
Boy Greaser
John Allee
Dancer (uncredited)
Frank Clark
"Windshield" Man on Gas Station (uncredited)
Ty Crowley
Dancer (uncredited)
David Daniel
Dancer (uncredited)
Michael DiMente
Guy with Bass Guitar (uncredited)
Michael David Eilert
Boy Greaser (uncredited)
Jenifer Newman
Dancer (uncredited)
Bernardo Hiller
Boy Greaser
Gregg Sawaya
David Arntzen

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