Action Adventure Comedy
In Africa, Slim and Tom don't like it when a German tyrant starts selling all of the African wildlife to Canadian zoos. Slim and Tom must teach this guy a lesson by beating the hell out of him and his gang.
Directed by
Italo Zingarelli
Terence Hill
Bud Spencer
Tony Binarelli
Gambler (uncredited)
Joe Bugner
Jack Ormond
Mike Schutte
Ormond's Henchman
Sandy Nkomo
Stella's Father
Johan Naude
Ormond's Henchman
Malcolm Kirk
Ormond's Henchman
Les Marcowitz
Hugh Rouse
Police Captain
Kosie Smith
Ormond's Henchman
May Dlamini
Mama Leone
Dawn Jürgens
Ben Masinga
Marcello Verziera
Ormond's Henchman
Nic van Rensburg
Joseph Szucs
Renzo Marignano

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