Drama History Romance Thriller
Antonina Miliukova is a beautiful and bright young woman, born in the aristocracy of 19th century Russia. She could have anything she'd want, and yet her only obsession is to marry Pyotr Tchaikovsky, with whom she falls in love from the very moment she hears his music. The composer finally accepts this union, but after blaming her for his misfortunes and breakdowns, his attempts to get rid of his wife are brutal. Consumed by her feelings for him, Antonina decides to endure and do whatever it takes to stay with him. Humiliated, disgraced and discarded, she is slowly driven to madness.
Directed by
Kirill Serebrennikov
Viktor Horinyak
Yurgenson, Tchaikovsky's Publisher
Yuliya Aug
Mad Woman at Church
Alena Mikhaylova
Antonina Milyukova
Odin Lund Biron
Pyotr Tchaikovsky
Philipp Avdeev
Modest Tchaikovsky / Anatoli Tchaikovsky
Andrey Burkovskiy
Vladimir Meshchersky
Aleksandr Gorchilin
Brandukov, Tchaikovsky's Pupil
Georgiy Kudrenko
Vladimir Mishukov
Shlykov, Antonina's Lawyer
Varvara Shmykova
Sasha, Tchaikovsky's Sister
Natalya Pavlenkova
Olga Nikaronovna, Antonina's Mother
Olga Dobrina
Nikita Elenev
Kotek, Tchaikovsky's Pupil
Miron Fedorov
Nikolai Rubinstein
Stanislav Rumyantsev
Young officer
Artem Nemov
Vladislav Semiletkov
Newspaper seller
Ekaterina Ermishina
Liza, Antoninona's Sister
Aleksey Fokin
Best man
Akilina Sokolova
Girl on platform
Nikita Pirozhkov
Alyosha, Tchaikovsky's Servant
Gurgen Tsaturyan
Nikolai Bochechkarov, Tchaikovsky's Friend
Sofya Reznik
Anastasia, Aleksandr's wife
Irina Rudnitskaya
Savva Savelyev
Restaurant visitor
Marina Kleshchyova
Evgeny Pisarev
Teresa Mavica
Mikhail Makarov
Young officer
Vasiliy Popov
Young officer
Nikita Grigorev
Young officer
Mariya Zolotukhina
Egor Kuvshinov
Handsome man
Natalia Polenova
Nikita Lebedev
Aleksandr, Antonina's Brother
Peter Aidu
Eugene Ferre
Handsome Man

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