Drama Action Crime
Fearful that their star witness might be murdered, two attorneys hire a protector to bring him from Los Angeles to New York. Jesse Crowder (Fred Williamson) is a no-nonsense tough guy. He buddies up with the witness, an accountant, and they hit the road. Outwitting their foes means taking all manner of conveyance, including automobile, train, and airplane.
Directed by
Fred Williamson
Written by
Abel Jones
Fred Williamson
Jesse Crowder
Tony Brubaker
Sam Coppola
Detective Johnson
Bernard Kirby
Art Maier
District Att'y Virgil Riley
Lou Bedford
Assistant D.A. Jonas
Heidi Dobbs
Stephanie Faulkner
Ed Kovins
Stern, the mouthpiece
Patrick McCullough
Jack Rosewald, gang leader
Emil Farkas
Karate Instructor
Geoffrey Land
James B. Campbell

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