Drama Romance
Ecaterina, a high school Religion teacher and wife of the town priest, gets involved with Iuliu, a 16-year-old student with a troubled past. Ecaterina tries to keep him under control, but she loses her own sense of control in this process.
Directed by
Octav Chelaru
Written by
Octav Chelaru
Mălina Manovici
Ecaterina Ivanovici
Gabriel Spahiu
The Headmaster
Alexandru Papadopol
Father Dragos Ivanovici
Marian Râlea
The Father-in-law
Ioana Ilinca Neacsu
The Bride
Ilinca Harnut
The Suspicious Lady
Voicu Dumitraș
Florin Ivanovici
Oana Ștefănescu
The Mother-in-law
Ana Maria Moldovan
Richard Bovnoczki
Felix Serghiescu
Codrina Patru
The Smoking Lady
Tiberiu Enache
The Groom
Sergiu Smerea
Iuliu Rosu
Mihai Rîpan
Ambulance Care Assistant

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