Comedy Romance
David Huxley is waiting to get a bone he needs for his museum collection. Through a series of strange circumstances, he meets Susan Vance, and the duo have a series of misadventures which include a leopard called Baby.
Directed by
Howard Hawks
Cary Grant
David Huxley
Ward Bond
Motorcycle Cop (uncredited)
Paul Guilfoyle
Katharine Hepburn
Susan Vance
Jack Carson
Circus Roustabout (uncredited)
Charles Ruggles
Horace Applegate
Barry Fitzgerald
Aloysius Gogarty
William Benedict
David's Caddy (uncredited)
Walter Catlett
Constable Slocum
Edward Gargan
Zoo Official (uncredited)
George Irving
Alexander Peabody
George (uncredited)
Leona Roberts
Hannah Gogarty
Fritz Feld
Fritz Lehman
Billy Bevan
Joe (uncredited)
Herschel Graham
Waiter (uncredited)
May Robson
Elizabeth Random
Tala Birell
Mrs. Lehman
John Kelly
Karl 'Karchy' Kosiczky
Midget (uncredited)
Virginia Walker
Alice Swallow
Judith Ford
Hatcheck Girl (uncredited)
Jack Gardner
Delivery Man (uncredited)
Teddy Mangean
Duke Green
Jimmie Dundee

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