Drama History War
Set during the tense 19 days of the Yom Kippur War in 1973, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir is faced with the potential of Israel’s complete destruction. She must navigate overwhelming odds, a skeptical cabinet and a complex relationship with US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, with millions of lives in the balance. Her tough leadership and compassion would ultimately decide the fate of her nation and leave her with a controversial legacy around the world.
Directed by
Guy Nattiv
Written by
Nicholas Martin
Helen Mirren
Golda Meir
Liev Schreiber
Henry Kissinger
Camille Cottin
Lou Kaddar
Jaime Ray Newman
Henry Kissinger's Secretary
Jonathan Tafler
Dr Rosenfeld
Mark Fleischmann
Minister Uri
Ed Stoppard
Benny Peled
Zed Josef
Adam Snir
Ellie Piercy
Shir Shapiro
Sumit Chakravarti
Israeli Soldier (uncredited)
Dvir Benedek
Eli Zeira
Peter Watson
Israeli Policeman (uncredited)
Henry Goodman
Chairman Agranat
Lior Ashkenazi
David 'Dado' Elazar
Kit Rakusen
Gideon Meir (uncredited)
Dominic Mafham
Haim Bar-Lev
Olivia Brody
Young Pianist
Rotem Keinan
Zvi Zamir
Emma Davies
Miss Epstein
Rami Heuberger
Moshe Dayan
Daniel Ben Zenou
Avner Shalev
Ohad Knoller
Ariel Sharon
Sara Matin
Yael - Female Soldier
Muneesh Sharma
Israeli Army Officer (uncredited)
Sam Shoubber
Member of Israel Agranat Commission (uncredited)
Benjamin Bailey
Robert Mellody
Leah Lawry-Johns

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