Western Adventure Romance
A fire in the mountains drives a wolf pack into the nearby desert where they terrorize the local residents. The leader of the wolf pack is Lobo, actually a halfbreed (Rin Tin Tin). When the pack is discovered hunting a herd of cows, a posse gives chase. Lobo leaves his pack to lead the posse away. He is injured and found by a local prospector, Dave Weston (Charles Farrell). The prospector nurses Lobo back to health and the two become close friends. Meanwhile, Weston has made a Borax find in the area. His girlfriend May Barstowe (June Marlowe), daughter of a wealthy rancher, is pleased. However, the local chemist, Borax Horton (Pat Hartigan), actually a claim jumper, plans to steal the claim.
Directed by
Noel M. Smith
Written by
Charles Logue
Heinie Conklin
Alkali Bill
June Marlowe
May Barstowe
Charles Farrell
Dave Weston
Lobo - Leader of the Wolf Pack
Pat Hartigan
Wm. 'Borax' Horton
Will Walling
Sam Barstowe
Lobo's Mate

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