Romance Drama
Waverly thought she had her future figured out, she’d start her medical residency in Toronto after a summer visit to her parents in Taipei. When her plans suddenly change, she makes an impulsive detour to a small Canadian town where she meets local lifeguard Blake. After he saves her from nearly drowning at a beach party, Blake offers to teach Waverly to swim, and as the lessons continue, the two unexpectedly find themselves falling in love.
Directed by
Sherren Lee
Robbie Amell
Blake Hamilton
Sarah Desjardins
Isabel Hamilton
Andrea Bang
Waverly Liu
Rukiya Bernard
Lena Fletcher
Michelle Krusiec
Rachel Liu
Keong Sim
Mr. Liu
Andrew Bachelor
Aaron Au
Fraser Corbett
Fiona Fu
Mrs. Liu
Ghazal Azarbad
Remy Marthaller
Little Girl
Jesse LaVercombe
Tristan Arthurs
Mirella Gibeau
Haven Vivero
Little Boy

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