Drama TV Movie
When the pictures from Bergamo in Italy go around the world in spring 2020, even non-medical people know what the word pandemic means. The previously unknown Coronavirus is spreading rapidly across the planet. Four days later, exit and contact restrictions also apply in Germany. Since then, the life of the Konstanz intensive care physician Dr. Carolin Mellau and her family on their heads. The female doctor becomes a member of the crisis team and is on duty around the clock to prepare the clinic for the impending emergency. As an anesthesiologist intubating those infected with COVID-19, she herself carries a high risk of infection. Meanwhile, her husband Stefan has to cancel his concerts as a musician, is no longer allowed to teach his music students and is suddenly sitting at home without an income. Teenage daughter Luzy is not allowed to see her Swiss boyfriend because the border is closed. She and brother Tim cannot go to school. But the worst case for the family is yet to come.
Directed by
Anno Saul
Written by
Dorothee Schön
Oskar Belton
Nikolai Kinski
Dr. Maxime Durant
Natalia Wörner
Dr. Carolin Mellau
Atheer Adel
Sami Aslan
Lena Stolze
Annette Schwarz
Jona Eisenblätter
Tim Mellau
Jörg Pose
Prof. Hasenclever
Elisabeth Schwarz
Carolins Mutter
Antonia Bill
Marcus Mittermeier
Stefan Mellau
Bettina Stucky
Petra Bollmann
Markus Frank
Vater von Lara
Moritz Leu
Klaus Pohl
Karlheinz Schwarz
Lilly Barshy
Luzy Mellau
Johannes Klaußner
Monika Wegener
Pflegerin im Seniorenheim
Philippe Goos
Max Schwertfeger
Ursula Andermatt
Madame Laurent
Remy Jane Johansson
Michael del Coco
Italienischer Arzt
Ralph Hönicke
Arzt auf Intensivstation
Heike Falkenberg
Eva Patricia Dietrich
Frau Krumbiegel
Eva Bretzinger
Andra Kennedy
Frau Leclerc
Inga Lessmann
Tochter Schwarz
Noah Boehm
Sohn Krumbiegel
Jan Ruff
Herr Krumbiegel
Johanna Link
Nachtschwester Maja
Sebastian Haase

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