Drama Crime Romance
A drama about the manager Håkan Dahlin who has just been discharged from a clinic where he was treated for his alcoholism. In an outbreak of jealousy, Dahlin abuses his wife Inga and after that he is forcibly interned again. Inga is a nurse and she is now moving to a mountain village to work at a district clinic. During an emergency visit, she encounters her childhood sweetheart, the doctor Gunnar, and old feelings between them begin to flare up again.
Directed by
Ragnar Frisk
Written by
Per G. Holmgren, Arne Mattsson
Bertil Berglund
Chess Player (uncredited)
Arne Lindblad
Viktor (uncredited)
Ivar Kåge
Ingrid Envall
Daughter at Restaurant (uncredited)
Signe Wirff
Lady at Restaurant (uncredited)
Olof Bergström
Assistant (uncredited)
Birgit Tengroth
Inga Dahlin
Gunnar Sjöberg
Nils Lundell
Uno Larsson
Man at the Institution (uncredited)
Douglas Håge
Hotel Guest (uncredited)
Helge Mauritz
Police Officer (uncredited)
Ragnar Falck
Dr. Geve (uncredited)
Sten Lindgren
The Judge
Holger Löwenadler
Håkan Dahlin
Gunnel Wadner
Woman at Hotel (uncredited)
Åke Grönberg
John Norrman
Hospital Guard (uncredited)
Birger Åsander
Lumberjack (uncredited)
Helga Brofeldt
Gossip in the Trade Stall (uncredited)
John Ericsson
Lumberjack (uncredited)
Gabriel Alw
Professor Ahlström
Yngve Nyqvist
Clerk in Courts (uncredited)
Harald Wehlnor
Patient with Dr. Berg/ Customer Buying Snuff (uncredited)
Artur Cederborgh
Hotel Guest (uncredited)
Maj-Britt Håkansson
Barbro Ribbing
Eric Laurent
Constable (uncredited)
Astrid Bodin
Berta Fors (uncredited)
Axel Högel
Bridge Player (uncredited)
Arnold Sjöstrand
Gunnar Berg
Artur Rolén
Elsa Ebbesen-Thornblad
Anna Olsson (uncredited)
Mona Geijer-Falkner
Gossip in the Trade Stall (uncredited)
Henrik Schildt
Paul Hagman
Clerk (uncredited)
Nils Ekman
Clerk in Courts (uncredited)
Greta Liming
Girl at Hotel
Millan Bolander
Ahlström's Secretary (uncredited)
Signe Lundberg-Settergren
Maid Hulda (uncredited)
Elvin Ottoson
Man at Restaurant (uncredited)
Sven-Göran Alw
Nisse - Young Man at the Hotel (uncredited)
Birger Sahlberg
Lumberjack (uncredited)
Gunnar Ekwall
Lumberjack (uncredited)
Carl Harald
Caruso (uncredited)
Emmy Albiin
Ma' Kersti (uncredited)
Hartwig Fock
Bridge Player (uncredited)
Helge Karlsson
Man in Trade Stall (uncredited)
Oscar Heurlin
Chess Player (uncredited)
Erik Forslund
Old Man at the Institution (uncredited)
Andreas Labba
Matti - Saami Man (uncredited)
Lars Petter Sunna
Nila - Saami Boy (uncredited)
Elli Sjaunja
Nila's Mother (uncredited)
Knut Sjaunja
Nila's Father (uncredited)
Gunnar Almqvist
Man at Restaurant (uncredited)
John Sandling
Man in Trade Stall (uncredited)
Carl Ericson
Man in Trade Stall (uncredited)

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