War Fantasy Drama
A man stays alone with his children in a half demolished house in the middle of a desolate field. His wife has just been killed by a grenade in a military battle. He is expecting a new attack. Instead a wandering caravan called Circus Fantasticus stops by the house. They bring along the dying director of the circus. Is it possible for anything beautiful to happen in a landscape of war and death? Can life go on? Is it possible to realize that death does not exist?
Directed by
Janez Burger
Written by
Janez Burger
Leon Lučev
Luna Mijović
René Bazinet
Old Man
Marjuta Slamič
Dead Wife
Pauliina Räsänen
Ravil Sultanov
Circus Leader
Daniel Rovai
Viatcheslav Volkov
Muscle Man
David Boelee
Fire Blower
Zhang Xiaoxue
Chinese Girl
Natalia Sultanova
Ženski klaun
Devi Bragalini
Enej Grom

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