Action Sci-Fi Fantasy Drama Comedy
The year is 2021 and the world is in a state of chaos and fear. The ancient king OOO has come back to life after 800 years of dormancy. As the Kougami Foundation mounts a human resistance, Eiji Hino returns to Japan, believing he has at last found the means to revive the Greeed Ankh...
Directed by
Ryuta Tasaki
Written by
Nobuhiro Mouri
Satoshi Hino
Goda (voice)
Mezool (voice)
Takashi Ukaji
Kousei Kougami
Honoka Yahagi
Ryosuke Miura
Ankh / Shingo Izumi
Riho Takada
Hina Izumi
Shu Watanabe
Eiji Hino / Kamen Rider OOO
Mayuko Arisue
Erika Satonaka
Asaya Kimijima
Shintaro Gotou / Kamen Rider Proto Birth
Hiroaki Iwanaga
Dr. Akira Date / Kamen Rider Birth
Atsuki Tani
Ancient OOO (voice)
Marie Kai
Chiyoko Shiraishi
Yusuke Yamada
Taito Hashimoto
Hiroyuki Matsumoto
Daiki Suzuki
Yoshihito Tanaka

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