Romance Drama
Khorshed chairman is an honest person and rules in favor of justice. Alamin is his dearest assistant who lives with his mother at Khorshe'd house. Alamin and Khorshed's daughter are in love. When Alamin's mother gets to know about this she wants to send her son away. Khorshed denies to leave Alamin but upon knowing about the relationship, he himself sends Alamin abroad. But tragedy follows Khorshed when he gets accused of murder. Some unexpected events start to unfold since then.
Directed by
Giasuddin Selim
Chanchal Chowdhury
Khorshed Chairman
Siam Ahmed
Fazlur Rahman Babu
Nurul Haque
Afsana Mimi
Fakhrul Bashar Masum
Shahnaz Sumi
Farzana Chumki
Mamunur Rashid
Gousul Alam Shaon
Monir Khan Shimul
Zinat Sanu Swagata
Rubol Lodi
Ahsanul Haque Minu
Turan Munshi

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