Drama Romance
Ulla and Gunnar meet and fall in love in Stockholm in the late 1930s. Early in their relationship Ulla discovers that she is pregnant but she decides to get an abortion because she doesn't want to pressure Gunnar into marrying her. The outbreak of the war puts a strain on their relationship when Gunnar gets called up for military service.
Directed by
Ivar Johansson
Written by
Ivar Johansson
Marianne Aminoff
Ulla Lundin
Åke Claesson
Dr. Hjalmar Brander (uncredited)
Bengt Logardt
Gunnar Bergendahl
Nils Lundell
Claes Thelander
Göran Hessler
Gun Adler
Clerk at Bewe & Zoll (uncredited)
Åke Grönberg
Bigge Berglund
Olov Wigren
Employee at Bewe & Zoll
Evert Granholm
Singer at the Party (uncredited)
Holger Höglund
Dancer in the Restaurant (uncredited)
Marianne Gyllenhammar
Clerk at Bewe & Zoll (uncredited)
Artur Cederborgh
Mr. Strandberg (uncredited)
Paul Hagman
Dancer in the Restaurant (uncredited)
Gerd Mårtensson
Gran's Company (uncredited)
Nils Ekman
Standby Soldier (uncredited)
Wera Lindby
Greta Liming
Gun Larsson
Gunnar Ekwall
Karin Lannby
Clerk at Bewe & Zoll
Lisbeth Hedendahl
Clerk at Bewe & Zoll
Millan Bolander
Office Manager at Bewe & Zoll
Karin Appelberg-Sandberg
Woman on Telephone (uncredited)
Carla Eck
Maj-Lis (uncredited)
Carl Ericson
Man on Telephone (uncredited)
Folke Eriksberg
Guitarist in the Orchestra (uncredited)
Keith Hårleman
Clerk at Bewe & Zoll (uncredited)
Axel Isaksson
Dancer in the Restaurant (uncredited)
Björn Järvheden
Little Boy with Beret (uncredited)
Solveig Lagström
Clerk at Bewe & Zoll (uncredited)
Rune Ottoson
Student (uncredited)
Hilmer Peters
Man on Telephone (uncredited)
Harriett Philipson
Office Girl (uncredited)
Robert Ryberg
Man on Telephone (uncredited)

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