Drama Romance
Suk-hee's mother is remarried to a man who has a son a year senior than Suk-hee. The two don't get along well first, but soon they grow intimate. Suk-hee learns, though, that she needs to give up her love for her mother's happiness. One day she leaves her mother and her new family, and goes on her way to her hometown, where she sees a Zelkova tree.
Directed by
Lee Seong-gu
Written by
Gang Sin-jae
Ahn Sung-ki
Ji-geun (frère cadet de Jisoo)
Moon Hee
Park Am
Lee Dong-min
Shin Seong-il
Ju Jeung-nyeo
Mme Kang
Son Jun
Kim Ki-joo
Un étudiant
Kim Ju-o
Vendeur de vélo
Yoon Yang-ha
Ji-soo (ami de Hyeon-gyu)
Kim Yeong-ok
Mlle Yang
Yu Ha-na
Sin Seok-ho
Yu Myeong-hui
Go Deok-Cheol
Kim Hong-gyu
Un étudiant
Park Bu-yang
Un étudiant

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