Comedy Animation Family Adventure
Obelix falls for a new arrival in his home village in Gaul, but is heartbroken when her true love arrives to visit her. However, the lovers are kidnapped by Romans; Asterix and Obelix set out to rescue them on a dangerous journey that will involve gladiators, slavers and beauracracy - and a personal encounter with the Emperor himself, Julius Caesar...
Directed by
Paul Brizzi, Gaëtan Brizzi
Written by
Pierre Tchernia
Yves Barsacq
Ordralfabétix (voice)
Paul Bisciglia
Voix additionnelles (voice)
Henri Poirier
Le chef du camp romain / Le romain au long discours (voice)
Patrick Préjean
Le décurion Superbus (voice)
Pierre Tornade
Obélix (voice)
Roger Carel
Astérix (voice) / Idéfix (voice) (uncredited)
Pierre Mondy
Caius (voice)
Michel Barbey
Le centurion Vapetimus (voice) (as Michel Barbet)
Serge Sauvion
César (voice)
Henri Labussière
Panoramix (voice)
Alain Doutey
Voix additionnelles (voice)
Martin Lamotte
Voix additionnelles (voice) (uncredited)
José Luccioni
L'annonceur du Colisée (voice)
Roger Lumont
Briseradius (voice)
Jean-Pierre Darras
Abraracourcix (voice)
Philippe Dumat
Farfelus, le marchand d'esclaves (voice)
Gérard Croce
Voix additionnelles (voice)
Thierry Ragueneau
Tragicomix (voice)
Edmond Bernard
Voix additionnelles (voice)
Roger Barbet
Voix additionnelles (voice) (uncredited)
Robert Ground
Additional Voices (voice)
Ken Starcevic
Additional Voices (voice)
Edward Marcus
Centurion Vapetimus (voice) (uncredited)

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