TV Movie Comedy Romance
When her family firm’s annual Christmas toy drive is in jeopardy, Holly Silver must convince pro athlete Jack Kane to be the public face of the campaign to help save it. As Noelle helps Jack rediscover the meaning of Christmas, Holly reconnects with her own family traditions. While Jack and Holly go through challenges of making Christmas dreams for others come true, they discover kindred spirits in each other and the potential for the gift of romance this holiday season.
Directed by
Pat Williams
Cindy Busby
Holly Silver
Andrew Airlie
Sam Page
Jack Kane
Mya Lowe
Production Assistant
Erin Boyes
Eve Silver
Wesley MacInnes
Jason Schombing
Mac Peterson
Lisa Chandler
Lauren K. Robek
Madison Smith
Andy Rukes
Andrew McKenzie
Donny Lucas
Kate Whiddington
Little Girl

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