Horror Fantasy Drama
A teenage boy is home alone for the weekend but when nocturnal creatures living in his attic escape, he must survive.
Directed by
Carter M. Phillips
Vincent Price
Dr. Robert Morgan (Archival Footage)
Elisha Cook Jr.
Watson Pritchard (voice) (Archival)
Lon Chaney
The Phantom of the Opera (Archival Footage)
Karl Hardman
Harry Cooper (Archival Footage)
Keith Wayne
Tom (Archival Footage)
Judith O'Dea
Barbra (Archival Footage)
Gavin Villareal
Gavin Stanley/Creature #5
Tuker Heil
Edmund Piercer/Creature #4
Larry Napoleon
Winston Nathan/Creature #1
Ben Cooper
Joe/Creature #2
Aiden Villareal
Frank Stanley/Creature #3
Mississippi John Hurt

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