Action War Drama
At the memorial for his father, WWII hero Major James Prentis (Alan Bates), John (Lambert Wilson) confesses a dark family secret to his own son Martin (David Oakes), something that he has harbored for over twenty years. A suspense drama, it explores the complex nature of heroism, betrayal, and father-son relationships. This is a reworking of the director's original 1993 film entitled simply, Shuttlecock.
Directed by
Andrew Piddington
Written by
Andrew Piddington
Alan Bates
Major James Prentis (archival footage)
Lambert Wilson
John Prentis
David Oakes
Martin Prentis
Kenneth Haigh
Doctor Quinn
Jill Meager
Marian Prentis
Jasmine Hyde
Arthur Cox
Maud Jurez
John Cassady
Beatrice Buchholz
Beatrice Carnot

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