TV Movie Drama Romance
Leon Watkins runs a community helpline in South Central LA, where anyone in need of help is welcome. One of his most frequent visitors is local gang leader, John Wesley Hunter, otherwise known as “Joker” to the streets. After a day of hustling and almost losing his life in a shoot-out, Joker goes to the one place where he knows he can get help. All in a typical day’s work for Leon until an unlikely woman shows up insisting on aiding him in his fight for his community. This unlikely team defies social constructs by working together to actively fight oppression and gain nation-wide recognition for a hidden reality of many. Along their way they experience the deep-seeded hatred that has plagued America, great love, and tragedy as they leave behind a legacy.
Directed by
Preston A. Whitmore II
Robert Ri'chard
Jay Hunter
Christa B. Allen
Joanne Beck
Natasha Marc
Evelyn Watkins
Michelle Lee
Lisa Yuen
Columbus Short
Allen Payne
Leon Watkins
Draya Michele
Beverly Williams
Six Reasons
Jensen Atwood
Sue Cremin
Ruth Beck
Dahlia Waingort
Chris Torres

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