Fantasy Action Adventure Drama
In an ancient time when majestic fire-breathers soared through the skies, a knight named Bowen comes face to face and heart to heart with the last dragon on Earth, Draco. Taking up arms to suppress a tyrant king, Bowen soon realizes his task will be harder than he'd imagined: If he kills the king, Draco will die as well.
Directed by
Rob Cohen
Dina Meyer
Dennis Quaid
Sean Connery
Draco (voice)
David Thewlis
King Einon
Jason Isaacs
Lord Felton
Brian Thompson
Julie Christie
Queen Aislinn
Pete Postlethwaite
John Gielgud
King Arthur (voice) (uncredited)
Buddy Quaid
Servant (uncredited)
Lee Oakes
Young (Prince) Einon
Milan Bahul
Swamp Village Chief
Eva Vejmělková
Felton's Minx
Jana Zvaríková
Terry O'Neill
Wolf Christian
Sandra Kovacicova
Young Kara
Kyle Cohen
Boy in Field
Thom Baker
Aislinn's Chess Partner
Peter Petruna

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