Animation Drama Sci-Fi Action
After a covert mission goes wrong, Mobile Suit pilot Amuro Ray and his comrades are stranded on a remote island. The battalion was sent to a land called the Island of No Return to clear off any enemy forces, only to find a group of children and an enemy mecha attack. Now Amuro must find a way for them all to escape this mysterious land, but not before meeting a strange man—Cucuruz Doan.
Directed by
Yoshikazu Yasuhiko
Misato Fukuen
Fraw Bow (voice)
Satomi Arai
Mirai Yashima / Haro / Kikka Kitamoto (voice)
Kōji Yusa
Yun Sangho (voice)
Katsuyuki Konishi
Staff Officer (voice)
Shizuka Itoh
Selma Livens (voice)
Toru Furuya
Amuro Ray (voice)
Ayaka Asai
Barbara / Katz Hawin (voice)
Keisuke Komoto
Marker Clan (voice)
Megumi Han
Sayla Mass / Letz Cofan (voice)
Takashi Kondo
Job John (voice)
Hiroshi Naka
Johann Ibrahim Revil (voice)
Takuya Eguchi
Oscar Dublin (voice)
Shuichi Ikeda
Char Aznable (voice)
Shunsuke Takeuchi
Cucuruz Doan (voice)
Yoji Ueda
Wald Ren (voice)
Takumi Yamazaki
M'Quve (voice)
Kaho Kouda
Kamaria Ray (voice)
Fu Hirohara
Cara (voice)
Yuma Uchida
Marcos (voice)
Toshio Furukawa
Kai Shiden (voice)
Yuu Hayashi
Danan Rashica (voice)
Tomofumi Ikezoe
Sleggar Law (voice)
Kenta Matsumoto
Olsen (voice)
Naomi Kusumi
Gopp (voice)
Shinji Kawada
Ritsma (voice)
Ken Narita
Bright Noa (voice)
Hiroshi Shirokuma
Elran (voice)
Yasutaka Tomioka
Omur Fang (voice)
Atsushi Miyauchi
Egba Atler (voice)
Makoto Yasumura
Uragang (voice)
Kouichi Sakaguchi
Tem Ray (voice)
Callum Vinson
Lope (English version, voice)
Hideki Nakanishi
Hayato Kobayashi (voice)
Noriyuki Nagatake
Amado (voice)

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