Animation Family Comedy
After finding out her grandmother won't be visiting for Christmas, Lucy decides to cheer herself up by throwing the ultimate New Year's Eve party. Meanwhile, Charlie Brown tries to fulfill one of his resolutions before the clock strikes midnight.
Directed by
Clay Kaytis
Written by
Scott Montgomery, Clay Kaytis, Alex Galatis
Hattie Kragten
Sally (voice)
Jacob Soley
Pigpen (voice)
Maya Misaljevic
Frieda (voice)
Rob Tinkler
Woodstock / Spike / Olaf (voice)
Charlie Boyle
Violet (voice)
Etienne Kellici
Charlie Brown (voice)
Cory Doran
Marbles (voice)
Katie Griffin
Belle (voice)
Wyatt White
Linus (voice)
Isabella Leo
Lucy (voice)
Caleb Bellavance
Franklin (voice)
Holly Gorski
Marcie (voice)
Lexi Perri
Peppermint Patty (voice)
Harley Ruznisky
Tapioca Pudding (voice)
Terry McGurrin
Snoopy (voice)
Natasha Nathan
Patty (voice)
Matthew Mucci
Schroeder (voice)
Will Bhaneja
Shermy (voice)
Jacob Mazeral
Jose Peterson (voice)
Lucas Nguyen
Lloyd (voice)
Mark Robert Edwards
Andy (voice)

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