TV Movie Drama Romance
Amber Dupont bites off more than she can chew when she takes charge of her church's annual Christmas pageant and inadvertently promises to deliver a special performance by Motown legend Smokey Robinson. When her best friends secretly enlist Amber's former flame Eddie to help, the pair reconnect in a quest to find Smokey and convince him to appear. With the clock ticking, family, friends, and superstar Smokey Robinson come together to stage the most special pageant yet.
Directed by
Alfons Adetuyi
Written by
Rhonda Baraka
Tia Mowry
Amber Dupont
Mark Taylor
Rothaford Gray
Smokey Robinson
Kyana Teresa
Nicole Jones
Darlene Cooke
Deaconess Jones
Jayd Deroché
10 Year Old Boy
Sheryl Cooper
Choir member
Henri Franklin
Markeda McKay
Shawn Cotterell
Choir member
Nadia Elliston
Choir member
Dorian Grey
Ham Jones
Theresa Groce
Choir member
Nathan Hibbert
Church Attendee
Wei Jen Lee
Kaydean Mantock
Choir member
Stewart Adam McKensy
J.J West
Faith Thompson
Choir Member
Kerroy Williams
Choir Member
Kim Wint
Choir Member
Chris Tarpos
Church Goer (uncredited)

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