Drama War Comedy
The Toth family resides in Northern Hungary. The couple has a daughter and a son, the latter a member of the armed forces. When his weary major is ordered to take a vacation, the son talks him into a visit to his family home. Comedy ensues when the Toths go overboard trying to make things pleasant for the visiting major in hopes of an easier life for their son the soldier.
Directed by
Zoltán Fábri
Antal Páger
Zoltán Latinovits
István Dégi
Gyuri, postman
Venczel Vera
Ágika Tót
Iván Darvas
Imre Sinkovits
Lajos Tót, chief fireman
Árpád Gyenge
Márta Fónay
Mrs. Tót
János Rajz
Sóskúti, gépész
Teréz Bod
Sándor Szemere
Gábor Torday

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