Romance Comedy
The three siblings Eva, Lieke and Maarten are going through a rough patch. Eva has cancer, but she doesn't want the rest of the family to know. She only confides in young Luke, a cancer patient in the same hospital. Her brother Maarten also has a secret: although he is married to Sanne, he has fallen in love with his friend Hugo and doesn't quite know how to deal with it. In Lieke's case, it is her father Ferry who is causing stress. Because he is not at all happy about his daughter's choice of partner.
Directed by
Aram van de Rest, Appie Boudellah
Melissa Drost
Hajo Bruins
Soy Kroon
Freek Bartels
Yolanthe Cabau
Hassan Slaby
Edwin Jonker
Jim Bakkum
Abbey Hoes
Selma Omari
Iris Amber Stenger
Aram van de Rest

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