Animation Fantasy Adventure
A long-running conspiracy is swirling over a mysterious power wielded by the Queen in Raja, a small country west of Tempest. When a slime who evolved into a Demon Lord named Rimuru Tempest crosses paths with Hiiro, a survivor of the Ogre race, an incredible adventure packed with new characters begins. The power of bonds will be put to the test!
Directed by
Yasuhito Kikuchi
Makoto Furukawa
Benimaru (voice)
Hochu Otsuka
Hakurou (voice)
Mao Ichimichi
Shion (voice)
Takahiro Sakurai
Diablo (voice)
Riko Fukumoto
Towa (voice)
Sayaka Senbongi
Shuna (voice)
Jun Fukushima
Gabiru (voice)
Shinpachi Tsuji
Chikuan (voice)
Takuya Eguchi
Souei (voice)
Chikahiro Kobayashi
Ranga (voice)
Miho Okasaki
Rimuru (voice)
Kanehira Yamamoto
Riguldo (voice)
Yuma Uchida
Hiiro (voice)
Megumi Toyoguchi
Raphael (voice)
Subaru Kimura
Lacua (voice)
Jun'ichi Yanagita
Kurobe (voice)
Asuna Tomari
Gobuta (voice)
Tomoaki Maeno
Verudora (voice)
Minister (voice)
Taro Yamaguchi
Geld (voice)
Mitsuru Ogata
Mobuji (voice)

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