TV Movie Comedy Romance Drama
Leah's 30th birthday is on Christmas Eve, the same day as her brother's wedding. Her childhood crush is back in town for the wedding and he is determined to make sure her birthday does not go by the wayside.
Directed by
David I. Strasser
Written by
Tracy Andreen, Elena Valdez
Emily Osment
Leah Taylor
Shaquan Lewis
Parmiss Sehat
Marcie Jones
Patch May
Paul Taylor
Tanis Dolman
Casey Deidrick
Drew Vaughn
Mike Dopud
Tom Taylor
Iris Quinn
Molly Taylor
Robert Egger
David Beairsto
Reverend Conrad
Lachlan Quarmby
Frances Leigh
Julia Rutherford
Tanja Dixon-Warren
Nana Vaughn
Libby Osler

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