Comedy Drama
Johan, a talented pianist who lacks confidence, prepares for a major musical competition. Overcome by stress, he takes refuge in the women's toilets where he encounters a young woman who provides him with a different destiny.
Directed by
Jonathan Lago Lago
Written by
Jonathan Lago Lago
Emmanuel Ménard
Cécile Dominjon
Alma, violoniste égarée
Arnaud Préchac
Benjamin Tranié
Jean, candidat stressé
Xavier Bonastre
Le jury
Mélissa Barbaud
Samia-Sabrine Bitta
Dominique Bastien
Frédéric, père de Johan
Emeline Weickmans
Fille toilettes
Julia Leblanc-Lacoste
Le jury
Irma Rose
Le jury
Daniel Vandeberg
Le jury
John Spyro Kamfonas
Le jury

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