Comedy Music Romance
Mike and Danny fly a cropduster, but because of Danny's gambling debts, a local sheriff takes custody of it. Trying to earn money, they hitch-hike to the World's Fair in Seattle and, while Danny tries to earn money playing poker, Mike takes care of a small girl whose father has disappeared. Being a ladies' man, he also finds the time to court a young nurse.
Directed by
Norman Taurog
Written by
Si Rose, Seaman Jacobs
Kurt Russell
Child who kicks Mike at the fair (uncredited)
Elvis Presley
Mike Edwards
Yvonne Craig
Dorothy Johnson
Gary Lockwood
Danny Burke
Jacqueline deWit
Mrs. Johnson (uncredited)
Kam Tong
Uncle Walter Ling
Russell Thorson
Sheriff Garland (uncredited)
Red West
Fred (uncredited)
Tom Parker
Edith Atwater
Miss Steuben
Guy Raymond
Barney Thatcher
Olan Soule
Mr. Johnson (uncredited)
Joan O'Brien
Diane Warren
Dorothy Green
Miss Ettinger
H.M. Wynant
Vince Bradley
Vicky Tiu
Paula Lane
Waitress (uncredited)
Pete Kellett
Policeman (uncredited)

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