Comedy Crime Thriller
While searching for a small fortune of embezzled money, an ex-con, a small-time bandleader, his doting wife and a kooky drifter find themselves being followed. Their chase takes them to trailer camps, bingo halls, laundromats and ultimately, a showdown with a group of unconventional bad guys.
Directed by
Howard Zieff
Written by
W.D. Richter
James Caan
Dick Kanipsia
Peter Boyle
Barry Fenaka
Sally Kellerman
Kitty Kopetzky
Len Lesser
Alex Rocco
Man with Ice Cream
Garry Goodrow
Man with Camera
Louise Lasser
Mary Fenaka
Allen Garfield
Vincent J. Palmer
Stuart Nisbet
Seamon Glass
Farmer in Truck
Virginia Sale
Bingo Caller
Diana Darrin
Band Singer
Richard B. Shull
Harry Moss
Wayne Storm
Highway Patrolman
Edwina Gough
Bingo Player
Al Dunlap
Man in Men's Room
James Joseph
Short Order Cook
Alex Henteloff
Man at Phone Booth

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