Drama History War
The story of a group of men, an Army Rifle company called C-for-Charlie, who change, suffer, and ultimately make essential discoveries about themselves during the fierce World War II battle of Guadalcanal. It follows their journey, from the surprise of an unopposed landing, through the bloody and exhausting battles that follow, to the ultimate departure of those who survived.
Directed by
Terrence Malick
Woody Harrelson
Sgt. William Keck
George Clooney
Capt. Charles Bosche
John Travolta
Brig. Gen. David Quintard
Donal Logue
Marl (uncredited)
Jared Leto
2nd Lt. William Whyte
Nick Nolte
Lt. Col. Gordon Tall
Adrien Brody
Cpl. Geoffrey Fife
John Savage
Sgt. Jack McCron
John Cusack
Capt. John Gaff
Kirk Acevedo
Pvt. Alfredo Tella
Sean Penn
1st Sgt. Edward Welsh
Darrin Klimek
Jim Caviezel
Pvt. Robert Witt
Tim Blake Nelson
Pvt. Brian Tills
Elias Koteas
Capt. James Staros
Thomas Jane
Pvt. Ash
Dash Mihok
Pfc. Don Doll
Miranda Otto
Marty Bell
Travis Fine
Pvt. Weld
Mark Boone Junior
Pvt. Christopher Peale
Michael McGrady
Pvt. Floyd
John C. Reilly
Sgt. Maynard Storm
Larry Romano
Pvt. Frank Mazzi
Nick Stahl
Pfc. Edward Bead
Don Harvey
Sgt. Paul Becker
Ben Chaplin
Pvt. Jack Bell
Will Wallace
Pvt. Hoke
Matt Doran
Pvt. Howard Coombs
Kick Gurry
Paul Gleeson
1st Lt. George "Brass" Band
Steven Vidler
2nd Lt. Gore
Danny Hoch
Pvt. Leonardo Carni
Randall Duk Kim
Nisei Interpreter (uncredited)
Dan Wyllie
Medic #1
Arie Verveen
Pfc. Charlie Dale
Sam Arnold
Sgt Mitchell (uncredited)
Simon Westaway
First Scout
Stephen Spacek
Cpl. Jenks
Felix Williamson
Private Drake (uncredited)
John Dee Smith
Pvt. Train
Penelope Allen
Witt's Mother
Benjamin Green
Melanesian Villager
Simon Billig
Lt. Col. Billig
Jarrod Dean
Cpl. Thorne
David Harrod
Cpl. Queen
Todd Wallace
Randall Craig
Navy Gunner (uncredited)
Dane Moreton
Pvt. Alexander (uncredited)
Ray Samuelson
Navy Soldier (uncredited)
Justin Ward
Navy Soldier (uncredited)
Norman Patrick Brown
Pvt. Henry
Mark Ellis

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