Drama Thriller
The dreary existence of middle-aged spinster Maura Prince takes an unexpected turn with the arrival of young handyman Billy Jarvis, but there is more to Billy than meets the eye.
Directed by
Alastair Reid
Nicholas Clay
Billy Jarvis
Peter Sallis
Rev. Rupert Palafox
Patricia Neal
Maura Prince
Graham Crowden
Mr. Bolton
Jean Anderson
Mrs. Millicent McMurtrey
Brigit Forsyth
District Nurse
Yootha Joyce
Mrs. Palafox
Pamela Brown
Mrs. Edith Prince
Bruce Myles
Bank Clerk
Sebastian Breaks
Dr. Ronnie Robinson
Diana Patrick
Mary Wingate
Jenny McCracken
Zoe Alexander
Stroke Patient
Christopher Reynalds
Young Billy
Elaine Ives-Cameron
Sibylla Kay

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