Comedy Drama Romance
A quiet and introverted high school senior by the name of Gaby is asked by the school's principal to welcome and supervise the integration of a new student, Sandrine. Outgoing and cheerful Sandrine is the complete opposite of Gaby; yet, the two girls soon develop a bond and Gaby slowly comes out of her shell. Pent up emotions about a past accident and old friendships comes back to hunt Gaby after she learns that she will have to tutor Frédérick, the swim team's champion and school hunk.
Directed by
Frédérik D'Amours
Written by
Caroline Héroux, Martine Pagé
Mariloup Wolfe
Sandrine Meilleur
Alexandre Despatie
Olivier Duclos
Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin
Gaby Roberge
Sylvie Moreau
Peggy Lamothe
Marina Orsini
Holden Wong
Assistant Coach
Hélène Bourgeois Leclerc
Sylviane Lanois
Jessica Kardos
Julie Hamel (voice)
Mark Walker
Roxane Gaudette-Loiseau
Audrey Turcotte
Alyssa Labelle
Audrey Samson
Guy Jodoin
Jean-Marc Roberge
Catherine de Léan
Julie Hamel
Andrée Watters
Mathieu Blanchard
Gars du party
Samuel Landry
Vincent Roberge
Jason Roy-Léveillée
Frédérick Bédard
Kim Lambert
Audrey Lambert
Maxime Desbiens-Tremblay
Maxime Jobin
Alexandre Martel
Alec Coallier
Vincent à 9 ans
James Gillis
Alex Leclerc
Yanick Bousquet
Jocelyn Lebeau
Andrée-Abbe Duquette
Étudiante au string rose
Mauriece Estéphan
Gars costaud
Shanie Gauthier
Fille sexy
Romain Morin
Joueur de soccer costaud
Adam Reid
Mariev Rodrig
Amélie Sorel
Duy Vo Van

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