Mystery Thriller Drama
An American draft dodger and aspiring writer named Nero Finnigan becomes involved with the notorious Mr. Go, an organized crime mastermind. They conspire to blackmail an American weapons scientist into providing secrets to Mr. Go's organization for resale to the highest bidder. "The Dolphin" then arrives, who is an American CIA agent and James Joyce scholar, and is charged with recovering the scientist and his work by whatever means necessary.
Directed by
Burgess Meredith
Jeff Bridges
Nero Finnegan
James Mason
Y.Y. Go
Broderick Crawford
Burgess Meredith
The Dolphin
Jay Adler
Dr. Yul
Irene Tsu
Jack MacGowran
Leo Zimmerman
Clarissa Kaye-Mason
Peter Lind Hayes
Prof. Robert Bannister

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