Adventure Drama War
After an abrupt and violent encounter with a French warship inflicts severe damage upon his ship, a captain of the British Royal Navy begins a chase over two oceans to capture or destroy the enemy, though he must weigh his commitment to duty and ferocious pursuit of glory against the safety of his devoted crew, including the ship's thoughtful surgeon, his best friend.
Directed by
Peter Weir
Russell Crowe
Captain Jack Aubrey
David Threlfall
Preserved Killick, Captain's Steward
Joseph Morgan
William Warley, Cpt. of Mizzentop
Paul Bettany
Dr. Stephen Maturin
Billy Boyd
Barrent Bonden, Coxswain
Lee Ingleby
Midshipman Hollom
Max Pirkis
Midshipman Blakeney
Robert Pugh
Mr. Allen, Master
James D'Arcy
1st Lt. Thomas Pullings
Patrick Gallagher
Awkward Davies, Able Seaman
John DeSantis
Padeen, Loblolly Boy
Chris Larkin
Captain Howard, Royal Marines
Richard McCabe
Mr. Higgins, Surgeon's Mate
Mark Lewis Jones
Mr. Hogg, Whaler
Erik Rondell
George Innes
Joe Plaice, Able Seaman
Joey Anaya
Bryan Dick
Joseph Nagle, Carpenter's Mate
William Mannering
Faster Doudle, Able Seaman
Erin Henriques
Edward Woodall
2nd Lt. William Mowett
Ian Mercer
Mr. Hollar, Boatswain
Jan Bryant
Max Benitz
Midshipman Calamy
Alex Palmer
Nehemiah Slade, Able Seaman
Jack Randall
Midshipman Boyle
Richard Pates
Midshipman Williamson
Tony Dolan
Mr. Lamb, Carpenter
Ousmane Thiam
Black Bill, Killick's Mate
Thierry Segall
French Captain
Mitch Toles
Tom Morga
Jessica Teach

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